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Bev’s Rose Garden


In memorial to Beverly we will plant a rose garden at the bottom of her and Bob’s property in Fisherman’s Cove, a part of the garden that she had always wanted to develop. We will also install a bench, accessible to the public, to enjoy the view that Beverly gazed on as she gardened, built, painted, carved, and wrote so many of her stories. If you would like to pay tribute to Beverly and her love for flowers and roses, please donate in one of the two following ways:

1. At the PayPal link below. Your donation will contribute to the landscaping, irrigation, roses, and bench as designed and chosen by members of Beverly’s family.

2. If you prefer to donate a rose bush specifically and/or choose the rose bush yourself, you may order through Roger’s Gardens ( by calling Kim or James (949-640-5800) or visiting them at the nursery. Roses to choose from can be seen here ( and cost $49.99 for the Austin’s and $39.99 for all others. Delivery to the house will be covered by the family.

Thank you for helping the family create this wonderful tribute to Beverly that will continue to grow and beautify the beach as well as offer solace to visitors for years to come.
